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    The Ultimate Guide to Travelling with Pets in India: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Journey

    Are you excited to take your first trip with your lovely companion? But are you stressed due to confusion about how to go about it? Fret not! The India Explorer is here to help you! This is your ultimate guide to travelling with pets in India that will help you have a stress-free journey and a fun-filled and smooth one for your little companion.

    The Importance of Travelling with Pets


    Pet travel is beneficial for a number of reasons, including the development of a closer bond between people and their animal friends. First off, lessening the stress and worry brought on by separation improves the general well-being of pets. The animals have a sense of security and mental stability when their owners are around.

    Furthermore, taking pets on vacation helps pet owners lead better lifestyles. Physical exercise is encouraged by the duty of taking care of a pet while travelling, such as playing and walking. As a result, both the pet and the owner’s mental health improves because of the strengthened link that results from their shared experiences.

    Incorporating pets into trip arrangements also enhances the experience of happiness and friendship. Their presence can lessen loneliness and increase the enjoyment and significance of travel. Additionally, as pet owners must attend to their animals’ needs in unfamiliar and perhaps difficult circumstances, travelling with pets helps to develop empathy and a feeling of responsibility.

    Preparing Your Pet for Travel: Things to Keep in Mind Before Travelling with Pets

    Get advice from your reliable veterinarian before taking your pet on its first adventure. Seek expert guidance to make sure your pet is mentally and physically ready for the journey, taking care of any health issues, and getting the required shots. 

    · When choosing a destination, give your pet’s needs for mental and physical stimulation top priority. Choose destinations with lots of room for exploration, such as beaches, forests, waterfalls, hills, ski regions, lakes, or lodgings with large backyards. Encouraging your pet to follow their innate curiosity and go exploring, sniffing, and playing will improve their general travel experience.

    · The selection of lodgings is equally significant. Make sure you only reserve hotels that allow pets if you want to ensure that your pet and you have a nice stay. Verifying in advance whether a place welcomes pets makes the process smooth and stress-free and helps your pet feel safe and comfortable in a strange place.

    · Pay close attention to basic training and crate preparation well in advance to guarantee a seamless and stress-free travel experience for your pet. Start by teaching basic obedience signals like “sit,” “stay,” “come” (to be remembered), and “settle.” Use these commands in a variety of settings and situations, introducing your pet to a range of distractions. For example, teach your dog to ‘stay’ while getting out of the car or to wait inside calmly while you go outside.

    · Start your pet’s crate training two to three months before to your trip so they have enough time to adjust. Teach them to go inside the box on demand and to stay calm for long periods. A well-trained crate helps your pet remain relaxed and comfortable at all times, especially when flying. Apply the same guidelines to the carriers that cats will be travelling in.

    · Keep your pet’s crate door open at first throughout training so they may come and go as they like. Proceed gradually to crate training at night and move the cage to other rooms. Crucially, the cage should never be used as a tool for punishment; instead, it should always be connected to positive things that provide your pet with a sense of security. Your pet will be more adaptable and comfortable when you spend time on obedience training and crate preparation, which will improve your vacation experience together.

    Important Tips for Travelling with Pets


    It takes careful planning and compliance with key rules to guarantee a smooth and responsible pet travel experience. Start by confirming that all immunisation records, such as those for the rabies and DHPPiL vaccinations for dogs and the Tricat and rabies vaccines for cats, are current. These documents or a pet passport need to be with you at all times throughout your travels since airlines and railroads may demand them. Get your veterinarian to provide a fit-to-fly certificate 72 hours before to departure; this is an essential document for travel by rail and aircraft.

    · Make sure your dog’s registration papers are readily available while in transportation. This guarantees easy dealings with authorities and adherence to rules. When travelling with pets, cleanliness in public areas is crucial, highlighting the need for potty training. To properly handle your pet’s demands, arm yourself with scoopers, waste bags, newspapers, and a cleaning spray. This displays your responsibility as a responsible pet parent and encourages the creation of an environment that is pet-friendly.

    · It’s just as important to keep your cool. Pets are easily affected by their owners’ stress levels since they are attuned to their energy. Maintain your composure since your feelings affect how at ease and anxious your pet is. Creating a peaceful atmosphere for your pet during travel helps them have a better experience. 

    Packing Essentials for Travelling with Pets

    · Whether you’re travelling by car, train, or air, make sure your pet has everything they need by packing essentials. Pets frequently become stressed while travelling, so make sure you have water and a portable bowl to keep them hydrated. This will help to maintain body temperature and promote relaxation.

    · Always include additional leashes, collars, and harnesses in addition to the necessities. If your pet is fussy about their bed, don’t forget to provide towels, sheets, and their bedding. Keeping extra items on hand will help you prepare for unanticipated circumstances. 

    · Bring towels, brushes, blankets, paw hygiene spray, pet wipes, and other necessary items to ensure cleanliness while on the trip. Because you never know when your pet might decide to flip over, always keep shampoo on hand for emergencies. Pack urinals for your puppy if you’re going anywhere with them to meet their demands.

    · Bring along your pet’s favourite toys, blankets, pillows, and other familiar objects from home to make them feel more comfortable. Your pet will feel more secure and enjoy the trip more when they have these familiar possessions. By keeping your pet’s health, cleanliness, and happiness front of mind, you can make sure that your trip goes more smoothly and enjoyably for both of you. 

    Pet-Friendly Activities to Keep Them Entertained on the Trip!

    Pet Friendly Activities

    ·      Interactive Toys: Bring interactive toys to keep your pet busy and develop their thinking. Toys that dispense treats or solve puzzles can stimulate the mind and keep people from getting bored. 

    ·      Chew toys: Pets who chew their toys have less stress and anxiety. To keep them busy and sate their insatiable need to chew, bring their preferred chew toys or bones. 

    ·      Comfort Items: Don’t forget to include their favourite blanket, bed, or toy from home. Having these comforting, recognisable smells and textures with you might help you feel secure and at ease when travelling.

    ·      Window Views: If you’re driving, put your pet in a position where they can look out the window. The constantly shifting surroundings may maintain their attention. But make sure they’re safe by putting them in the proper restraints. 

    ·      Training Sessions: Make use of your journey time to hold quick training sessions. To stimulate their minds and deepen your relationship, reinforce simple orders or teach them new ones. 

    ·      Audio Stimulation: To create a relaxed atmosphere, play relaxing music or employ soothing sounds. This might make your pet feel more at ease and block out strange noises.

    ·      Interactive Play: Take your pet for interactive playtimes. To keep them cognitively and physically stimulated, throw a ball to them or let them play with their favourite interactive toys. 

    ·      Snacks and Treats: Pack an assortment of your pet’s preferred snacks. When necessary, use them as a diversion or as incentives while travelling. Toys that dispense treats can also provide entertainment value to snack time. 

    ·      Short Breaks: Schedule regular pauses throughout your travel to allow your pet to relieve themselves, explore, and exercise. Travel boredom can be broken up by quick strolls or games at rest areas. 

    ·      Carry Your Scent: To soothe your pet, bring a piece of cloth or other object that carries your aroma. In strange places, this comforting aroma may be comforting.

    Food and Snacking while Travelling with Pets

    Pet Friendly Activities 2 1

    · Bring along a selection of simple treats to reinforce the way. Boiled eggs, dried chicken, curd, kibble, biscuits, and pet-friendly ice cream are good options. These snacks keep your pet happy and satisfied in addition to acting as a reward for good behaviour.

    · Offering your pet a little meal before to the trip will help keep them full if they are not prone to motion sickness. Try to have a modest amount of food and some basic water approximately 90 minutes before the journey leaves. This reduces the possibility of pain during travel by ensuring your pet gets the energy and nutrition they need without filling their stomach to the brim. 

    · Take your pet’s food preferences and any special dietary needs into consideration when choosing meals and treats for them. Furthermore, make sure the candies are manageable and won’t spill during transportation. Providing a variety of goodies, in addition to enough water and a timely little meal, helps ensure that your pet has a happy and comfortable travel experience.

    Choosing the Right Mode of Transportation

    Travelling with Pets by Air

    Travelling with Pets by Air

    · Right now, the only Indian airlines that permit dogs on domestic flights are Air India and Akasa Air. When arranging a trip with their dogs, pet owners must select these airlines.

    · There are weight limits that apply to both the pet and the cage that they reside in. Puppies, kittens, and dogs under 5 kg are examples of smaller pets that can fly in the cabin with their owners. Larger breeds, on the other hand, require crate training because they will be travelling in the cargo area. It is required that the crate be IATA-certified and that the size requirements correspond to your dog’s measurements. The pet should be able to move around and comfortably sit, stand, and lie down in the box. Sizing cages incorrectly might result in discomfort or even soiling.

    · It’s critical to arrive early to provide a seamless travel experience for the pet and owner. Make an effort to be at the airport four to five hours prior to the departure time. This additional time gives pets a chance to relieve themselves before being left off and allows for the required formalities, such as making sure all paperwork is in place. Enough planning and an early arrival reduce anxiety for the pet and the owner and provide a more easy travel experience.

    · Make sure your pet feels comfortable and at ease in their box when travelling. Put in their comfy blanket, bedding, and well-known toys. It might be even more comfortable to leave something smelling like you, like a T-shirt. When they enter or remain in the crate, giving them praise and goodies promotes a positive link with the travel area.

    · Give your pet enough time to digest by feeding them at least three to four hours before the travel. Offering them lots of water before the trip will ensure that they stay hydrated during the critical period of travel. 

    · Consulting with seasoned experts such as The Bark Traveller is advised for pet-friendly overseas travel by flight. These businesses focus on easing the complicated and copious paperwork associated with pet relocation and travel, making the process easier for both the pet and the owner.

    · See your veterinarian for guidance if your pet exhibits signs of worry or terror. Calming drugs could be used in some situations to make the flight less stressful for them. It’s crucial to heed your veterinarian’s advice, though, as certain drugs might not be appropriate due to pressure and altitude variations during flight. 

    · Make sure your pet gets some exercise on the day of leaving to ensure they are exhausted. A weary pet is more likely to fall asleep for the duration of the trip, making for a more comfortable encounter. A quick walk or some playtime before the journey might help burn off extra energy and encourage a more composed attitude while travelling.

    Travelling with Pets on the Road

    Travelling with Pets on the Road

    · Make sure your car is ready for whatever journey you take with your furry friends. To avoid mechanical problems, top up all the fluids, check the air pressure and have a qualified service professional inspect the car. Unexpected problems or breakdowns while driving might make you and your dogs more stressed. 

    · Determine the best places for your pit stops by knowing your route and planning it ahead of time. Make sure you and your dogs take regular pauses to stretch, drink water and use the loo. These pauses provide your dogs with the necessary exercise they need to be calm and relaxed during the trip.

    · Make sure there is enough space in the car for your pet to move about. Bring their favourite pillows and toys to make them feel at home. Your pet will feel more secure and more at ease throughout the trip if they have familiar objects with them. 

    · Keeping your in-cabin tidy is essential for large dogs. Set aside specific areas in the car for every dog. Make use of safety add-ons like the Ruffwear dirtbag seat cover and the Trixie boot cover to protect the interior of your car and your pets. Both humans and dogs will have a smoother and more comfortable voyage if the area is appropriately organised.

    · Take pauses every two to three hours for trips lasting eight hours or more if possible. Taking regular breaks enables your dogs to take care of their requirements, stretch, and drink water. To guarantee that you and your dogs get enough sleep on long road journeys, think about spending the night at a hotel that welcomes pets. 

    · Keep the interior of the automobile at a comfortable temperature by sparingly utilising the air conditioner. Don’t over-cool the car, and if you live in a less polluted location, think about opening the windows to let in some fresh air. Making sure the temperature is pleasant helps your dogs travel in a more laid-back and joyful manner.

    · During breaks, keep your pets active and interested by playing games or going for a short run or stroll. But take care not to agitate them too much because that might make them agitated during the ride. Taking steps to engage in balanced physical exercise reduces stress and makes for a more relaxing travel experience. 

    · After arriving at your destination, make every effort to honour your pet’s daily routine as precisely as you can. Keeping your dogs’ routine consistent helps them feel more at ease and acquainted with their new surroundings, which lessens the stress that comes with daily routine adjustments.

    · Be especially cautious around windows, balconies, and open areas while visiting new hotels and B&Bs with cats. Make sure these spaces are safe to avoid unintentional falls or escapes. When staying in new accommodations, keep your cat safe and secure by being aware of its surroundings. 

    Travelling with Pets via Train

    Travelling with Pets via Train

    · It is imperative to have verified first-class tickets as Indian Railways allows pet travel in the first-class coupe. Choosing two or four seats improves the chances of getting a two-person coupe or a four-person cabin, which will make the ride more pleasant for you and your pet. 

    · To prevent last-minute issues on the day of departure, make sure you express your preference for a coupe or cabin when making a reservation through an agent. Making sure your agent is aware of your unique needs reduces the likelihood of problems and expedites the booking process.

    · Visit the reservation office at the main station, which is where you start, two days before the train trip. Send a physical letter seeking a coupe along with your PNR number and confirmed seats. Make it obvious that you want to travel with your pet and stress that you both need seats together. This is an important step because train seat assignments are usually finalised the day before or a few hours before to departure. Taking proactive steps to reserve a coupe increases the probability that you and your pet will have a more convenient and comfortable journey.

    · You should anticipate receiving an SMS on the day of travel confirming your reservation in the chosen coupe or cabin. Make sure you get to the station at least two hours ahead of the planned departure to guarantee a seamless journey. Present your confirmed ticket, the veterinarian’s fit-to-travel certificate for your pet, and their vaccination documents at the parcel office. 

    · In accordance with railroad laws, your pet travels as freight. As such, you must adhere to the parcel office regulations. The authorities will weigh your pet and determine the cost of shipping. While your pet doesn’t need its ticket, you can’t travel with them unless you purchase two or four tickets in order to guarantee a coupe or cabin. 


    This was our guide for you to consider when travelling with pets in India! Make sure to keep everything in mind to have a smooth journey with your furry companions!

    Riddhi Sompura
    Riddhi Sompura
    Riddhi Sompura- Content Writer at The India Explorer Riddhi, our experienced content writer at The India Explorer, is a passionate traveler and a skilled storyteller. Join Riddhi on a journey of discovery as she unveils India's rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes and hidden gems, inspiring wanderlust and encouraging meaningful exploration along the way.

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