Janmashtami 2023

The auspicious festival of Krishna Janmashtami will be observed on the 6th and 7th of September, 2023. The festival commemorates the birth of Lord Krishna, the 8th avatar of Lord Vishnu.

The Birth of Krishna

Fill in some tAccording to Hindu Mythology, Mathura’s king Kansa had a sister named Devaki who married the Yadav Prince Vasudev. It was foretold after their marriage that Kansa’s death would be brought about by one of Devaki’s children. Fearing the prophecy, Kansa decided to lock Devaki and Vasudev up in jail and kill all their children. As time passed, Kansa killed seven of Devaki and Vasudev’s children. When the eighth child was born, coincidentally, Nandaraj’s wife Yashoda in the city of Mathura had also given birth to a baby girl at the same time. At the stroke of midnight, when Devaki gave birth to the baby boy, a white light filled the prison and guided Vasudev to the city of Mathura to exchange the boy for Nandaraj’s girl.xt

Due to heavy rains, Vasudev had to walk through flooding water with the baby above his head, shielded by Vishnu’s Sesh-Naag. After he put the boy to rest at Nandaraj’s place, he brought the baby girl along with him. When he returned, Kansa got the news of another child being born to Devaki, and he also came to the prison to kill him. When he was about to kill the baby girl, she took the form of Goddess Durga and warned him that his death was near before vanishing.


Celebrations of Krishna Janmashtami start 10 days prior in Mathura and Vrindavan. Rasleelas, Bhajans, Kirtans, and Pravachans are just a few of the cultural and religious events that occurred during the time. Rasleelas are theatrical retellings of Krishna and Radha's life and love tales, as well as those of his other gopis. Both professional performers and local worshippers perform this at various locations around Mathura and Vrindavan. The Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple in Mathura, where he is said to have been born, and the Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan are particularly popular with worshippers on the eve of Janmashtami. The temples are adorned with lovely floral arrangements, lighting, and bright fabrics

Dahi Handi

The Dahi Handi event, which takes its cue from Krishna's childhood mischief of stealing butter from earthen pots placed high by his mother, Yashoda, is a highlight of the Janmashtami celebrations in Mathura, Vrindavan, and nationwide. In this activity, groups of young men construct human pyramids to reach and destroy a pot hanging from a height containing yoghurt or butter. The occasion serves as a metaphor for loyalty, bravery, and collaboration. It also draws many onlookers who applaud and take in the sight.